Every day, we are bombarded with advertisements for products that promise to make us look and feel better. Do these products work the way they claim, or is it just another fad? In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at one such product – purple toothpaste – to see if it can really give you a whiter smile. So, read on to find out more!
What is Purple Toothpaste?
Purple toothpaste has been around for several years now, however, it has recently emerged due to the powerful influence of newer social media platforms such as TikTok. Funny enough, this purple-pigmented tooth product draws on inspiration from hair products. Most people, especially those with blonde-dyed hair, are aware that using products that are purple helps tone the brassy yellow color out of their strands.
This initial concept is directly based on simple color theory. Purple is opposite from yellow on the color wheel, so when combined the cool tone of purple essentially cancels out the yellow. Some toothpaste brands caught onto this idea and used it as their claim to fame for brighter and whiter teeth. If it works on our hair, the same concept should work on our teeth as well, right?
Pros and Cons
Being on the market for around six years, the earliest trace I could find of it was in 2017, there is surprisingly not much research information about purple toothpaste. I did a deep dive to educate myself on this product, its purpose, and others’ experiences. In my opinion, here is the good, the bad, and the ugly of purple toothpaste.
Although it did not make a significant difference for everyone who has reviewed purple toothpaste products, the vast majority of those who used them saw some type of improvement. Another pro to these products is that they do not contain ingredients such as peroxide, meaning they are not posing a risk to your tooth’s enamel. They are also more gentle than other whitening products, so if you suffer from teeth sensitivity these products could be a good alternative for you. Since they are color-correcting products, they are a good option for days that you have an event where you would like your teeth to look a bit brighter, but you do not want to whiten them for the entire week leading up to your event.
The main con of this product is that there is simply not enough information or tangible research to support its benefits. The largest issue I ran into when researching was that most of the content surrounding it appears to be biased or sponsored. Sponsorship leads to bias because it usually involves a company either paying a person of influence to review a product, or gifting the product to them in exchange for a review.
Another downside to purple toothpaste products is most of them do not contain ingredients that aid your oral health, such as fluoride. Due to this, most of these products suggest brushing your teeth with normal toothpaste and using their product as an extra step in your routine. This may cause an issue for those who do not want to take the extra time to add another step, or if a user is unaware of this, their teeth could suffer damage over time due to improper cleaning.
The last con of purple toothpaste is that although they do give you a whiter smile to an extent, they do not physically whiten your teeth. Since they are a color-correcting product, they will cancel out the yellow for a short period, but on the days you do not brush with them, your teeth will most likely return to their normal color.
So, what is the verdict? Is purple toothpaste effective in whitening teeth? While there is no magic answer that will work for everyone, it seems that purple toothpaste can be a helpful tool in the quest for brighter teeth. However, it is important to remember that no single toothpaste – no matter its color – can completely whiten your smile. Good oral hygiene habits like brushing twice daily with fluoride toothpaste and flossing regularly are still essential for maintaining a healthy mouth.